Local Apple Juice for sale

West Malvern Village Hall Committee • November 18, 2021

West Malvern Apple Juice!

After collecting locally apples grown on the West of the hills, they have been pressed and bottled to produce a delicious West Malvern apple juice. There are no additional additives added to the juice ensuring it is a completely natural product. We will be selling to the local community in an effort to raise a small amount of funds to contribute to the renovations of the hall. The juice should be stored somewhere cool until opened and then in the fridge thereafter, and consumed within 72 hours of opening.

The children of St James' CofE primary school have done an absolutely tremendous job of designing bespoke labels for us. A large selection of the designs have been used in our labelling process. Please come and support our first art and craft fair on 12th December and pick up a bottle of apple juice or two at the same time!

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