Chairman's welcome

Chris Mill • November 16, 2021

New Committee Chairman

Hello and welcome to West Malvern Village Hall.


At the turn of the year, I became Chair of this marvellous Village Hall sat within the heart of West Malvern.

A change in personnel had left several vacancies which were quickly filled. A tremendous response from our community.

Starting with thanks to Valerie, our previous Chair, for her spirit and time through the first year of Covid. Not easy and certainly a difficult time for all concerned.

Our previous Secretary, Catherine, equally spirited and fastidious after a long time putting considerable effort into supporting the Committee and the community, decided to move house and therefore call it a day.

Val also decided to take a rest from the Committee. So it's a huge thank you to all three for your input, help and time in supporting the community through the Village Hall.

Joining the Village Hall Committee came Toni, new Secretary and already very efficient and committed. Alison, Chantel, Richard and Julie also have joined and it's so very much appreciated. Each is helping different functions within the Committee to create new and improved facilities within the building. Suffice to say that over the next twelve months, there will be quite a number of improvements and events at the Hall for the benefit of the community. I could say 'watch this space'. But I will say, watch our web page, our Facebook page and the soon to be erected, new noticeboards.

 Covid has affected everyone of us, in some form or another. The last 18 months have been difficult, life changing, totally strange. The words could go on for many pages. But, we are coming out of those dreary and dreadful restrictions. Slowly and with caution. But coming out we are. The Hall is open. There are restrictions as defined by government rules. But we are open and the Community are engaging once again. This momentum will continue and soon we will be able to be fully functional once more.


We are still looking for a few more people to join our Committee. If you would like to become involved with your local Village Hall, please contact me at and we will be delighted to discuss further.

Finally it's a wish that everyone enjoys this summer. Enjoy the Hills. Enjoy your walks.

And, of course, enjoy using our Village Hall.


Chris Mill


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